10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Every WordPress Developer

May 20, 2024 IN TECHNOLOGY
Table of Content
  1. Quick Overview
  2. What is a plugin, and why is it necessary for developers?
  3. Top 10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins
    1. Health Check and Troubleshooting
    2. Lambda Test
    3. SeedProd
    4. Debug Bar
    5. WP Reset
    6. UpdraftPlus
    7. WooCommerce
    8. Wordfence Security
    9. File Manager
    10. Theme Check
  4. Conclusion

Quick Overview:

Most people think that plugins are only for extending the functionality of WordPress sites. And they get integrated for only the end-user’s comfort. But it’s only half true.

Plugins are for end-users’ comfort but are also available for performing development operations. In the WordPress ecosystem, numerous plugins are available to enhance the efforts of a development team or a developer. It helps them with several tasks, such as improving site compatibility, responsiveness, and security and creating an entire webpage.

Here, you will learn about all such top WordPress plugins that get curated for developers. And by utilizing them, you will feel relaxed in day-to-day tasks.

So, let’s get started learning about must-have WordPress plugins for developers.

What is a plugin, and why is it necessary for developers?

You can consider a plugin as a price of software integrated with a WordPress site to extend its functionality. A plugin can provide additional features for the backend, front end, and every user, including end-users, developers, admins, testers, designers, and more.

Developers highly utilize plugins for advancing website features. However, numerous plugins are available that help reduce the developer’s effort. A WordPress developer must use such plugins because:

  • It helps to troubleshoot and debug website errors effortlessly.
  • Aids in streamlining data backup and restoration.
  • It helps to improve website security.
  • It simplifies file management.
  • The development of eCommerce stores and other websites gets completed within a short duration.

Top 10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins

From creating highly engaging WordPress sites, solidifying their security, and streamlining development operations, the following plugins can help each WordPress developer.

Health Check and Troubleshooting

Health Check and Troubleshooting is one of the most popular plugins every developer uses to run tests. It aids in detecting issues in the WordPress library, plugins, and themes, leading to resolving them before publishing the site. In addition, it consists of different sections, providing different tools for troubleshooting.

The debug section of this plugin aids in gathering details about website and server misconfiguration. As a developer, you can share such details with the administrators and support team to resolve the issue. Furthermore, you can utilize its tools section to verify that files have not been tampered and users can leverage the email functionality.

Besides, it offers a troubleshooting mode under which all the non-default components get disabled. Then, you can enable them one after another to discover the theme, plugin, API, or any other configuration creating complexities. And the best part is that the published website will function without any impact while troubleshooting.

Lambda Test

One of the main goals of developing a website is its compatibility across web browsers. If a website isn’t accessed on multiple browsers, it can reduce the number of users, customer satisfaction, and revenue.

You must use the Lambda Test plugin to test the WordPress site for multi-browser compatibility. It utilizes cloud-based virtual machines running different operating systems and browsers. When you initiate the testing using it, the website data is taken and tested across 2000+ browser and OS combinations. Moreover, it works seamlessly with both public and private websites and provides accurate results for both.

Additionally, you can take full-page screenshots of pages and posts to analyze and solve issues. It would help you provide a seamless experience to all users and boost satisfaction, retention, and conversion rates.

Also, it comes with built-in integrations with GitHub, Slack, Asana, JIRA, VSTS, and Bitbucket. Thus, your unit testing becomes easy with the Lambda Test plugin.


SeedProd is highly recommended for all WordPress developers. Whether it’s a newbie or a professional developer, everyone must utilize it in their daily life. SeedProd helps to design and develop full-fledged pages within minimal time. It provides the drag-and-drop functionality to put pre-built blocks on the page and modify them as per requirements.

You can utilize its 90+ blocks for displaying dynamic and static content on your site. You can also leverage its layout navigation to rearrange columns, rows, blocks, and sections. You can build a complete custom website with it, from the homepage and landing page to the services page, about us page, and contact page.

Furthermore, it contains the following features:

  • 150+ templates to create web and mobile responsive web pages.
  • Pre-built smart sections with call-to-actions and headers.
  • Assurance of bloat-free code, leading to quick loading of the pages.
  • Font combinations and custom CSS for curating best-in-class visual appearance.
  • Custom 404 pages and, by default, available coming soon, and maintenance pages.

Therefore, SeedProd is one of the best WordPress plugins for design.

Debug Bar

While developing a WordPress or any other site, it’s obvious to face errors and issues. To prevent it on live websites, you must perform debugging. It helps to discover and resolve potential errors that downgrade performance, quality, and security. The prominent way to do it is by using the Debug Bar plugin.

To utilize it, you must enable the WP_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file. Once you enable it, you will start receiving warning notices about errors. Then, you can navigate to that particular component/code and solve the issue. Further, you can also use it to save and track SQL queries, helping to strengthen WordPress site security.

Furthermore, with the remote request extension of the Debug Bar plugin, you can analyze the HTTP API requests. It would help you determine the speed and efficiency of the WordPress website in processing and executing user requests. Later, you can make appropriate changes to optimize speed.

WP Reset

WP Reset plugin has become an integral part of developers’ lists in recent years. It allows you to revert to the default site state without losing data. The main benefit of WP Reset is that you can make customizations and delete them all, along with having a backup of all. And if you accidentally delete a component, you can revert the process through the restore function.

Other key features of WP Reset include the following:

  • You can utilize WP Reset with WordPress CLI (Command Line Interface).
  • It’s fast and executes all restore operations within minimal time.
  • You can leverage the free in-house support team to resolve your technical and general queries.
  • It provides a selective reset mechanism to restrict selected blocks, plugins, and themes from getting deleted.
  • It’s freely available, and you can utilize it as much as you need.

Therefore, during custom WordPress website development, WP Reset can highly aid a developer in creating correct modifications.


When it comes to preventing hacks, performing migrations, and updating WordPress sites, the UpdraftPlus plugin is what you need. It’s an easy-to-use plugin because of its friendly interface, and it also gets trusted by digital platforms.

You can use it for scheduling backups of WordPress site files, databases, themes, and plugins. It can do all, whether it’s about backing up every two – twelve hours, weekly, monthly, or fortnightly. In addition, it helps in migration procedures by cloning the website and moving all files to a new server without loss and downtime.

In addition, it provides the leverage of multisite and non-WordPress file backup. It means you can rely on UpdraftPlus to get every file in the backup in case you lose it on the live server. Besides, it enables us to perform data backups of other plugins installed on the site.

Therefore, UpdraftPlus is a complete backup plugin solution for seamless WordPress site migration.


When creating an eCommerce store using WordPress, WooCommerce tops the list. With such a plugin, you can develop a complete online store, providing content management, payment gateways, and security functionalities. Moreover, it allows the sale of downloadable and physical products to customers.

Also, it takes less time, money, and effort to put together an eCommerce website using the WooCommerce plugin. You can utilize its built-in store theme or even use a custom one as per your requirements. And it can also get connected to other applications through APIs, leveraging open-source data communication.

Every WP developer must utilize it for effortless eCommerce development. From creating webpages, headers, and footers to adding product descriptions, it can help with overall store customization. Additionally, it’s compatible with all the WordPress plugins, leveraging to extend functionalities without additional errors and issues.

Therefore, for smooth and easy eCommerce development, the WooCommerce plugin can be used by newbies and expert developers.

Wordfence Security

With the increase in cyberattacks, integrating security mechanisms is necessary. And for WordPress sites, developers must prefer the Wordfence plugin. It helps to protect sites from brute force attacks, unauthorized IP access, and malware. As a developer, you must know how to install this plugin to fulfill the site’s security needs.

Some of the top features of the Wordfence plugin include the following:

  • Two-factor authentication allows only registered/authorized users to access data and other resources.
  • Malware scanner to analyze the site and alert about malicious files, plugins, and themes.
  • File repair to make corrupted files work.
  • Blocking and blacklisting of IPs to prevent malicious actors.
  • The real-time updates to the plugin by the dedicated Wordfence Threat Intelligence Team.

In addition, Wordfence sends daily emails about security issues and problems. It lets you remain up-to-date with modifications that need to be executed to retain data integrity and confidentiality. As a result, you can efficiently modify the security WordPress site security configuration and prevent data breaches.

File Manager

File Manager is a reliable plugin that every developer requires. It helps to move WordPress site-associated files between local machines and servers. However, it’s not an alternative to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) application. But you can use it for modifying the files at the directory level.

You can use it for modifying the file content, including CSS code, through built-in IDE. And even rearrange the files in a directory with drag and drop facility. Moreover, it provides the below-listed features, aiding in streamlining developer operations:

  • File download and upload facility
  • File search, deletion, and modification
  • File backup and restore functionality
  • Multi-media file preview, including video, thumbnails, and audio
  • File access control mechanism, working based on user role

Theme Check

Theme Check is a leading plugin that you can use to test and verify your theme compliance with the latest WordPress policies and standards. Currently, this plugin is being used by 40,000+ WordPress sites. It helps you automate the testing procedure and view results in an easy-to-read format.

In addition, Theme Check enables you to run all potential tools on your custom theme that WordPress utilizes to assess compatibility and other aspects. For WordPress theme developers, it’s a handy tool that provides all the details about the changes needed to get the theme accepted by the WordPress platform.


Plugins are an integral part of WordPress sites and a developer’s toolkit. It helps to complete development tasks in an easy way. You can use the mentioned plugins for creating webpages, enabling payment gateways, improving site security, and even for migration purposes.

A developer must know about all such plugins, as it helps to reduce the workload. In addition, plugins also help in testing site compatibility across browsers and operating systems. Therefore, you must use developer plugins to create secure, stable, and high-performing WordPress sites.


  • Q.1: What is a WordPress plugin?
    WordPress plugin is a piece of software that can be integrated with a WordPress site to extend its functionality. Plugins can provide additional features for both the backend and frontend, benefiting end-users, developers, administrators, testers, and designers.
  • Q.2: Why are plugins necessary for WordPress developers?
    Plugins are essential for developers because they help troubleshoot and debug website errors, streamline data backup and restoration, improve website security, simplify file management, and speed up the development of eCommerce stores and other websites.
  • Q.3: What is the Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin used for?
    The Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin helps developers run tests to detect issues in the WordPress library, plugins, and themes. It provides tools for troubleshooting and a debugging section to gather details about website and server misconfiguration.
  • Q.4: How does the Lambda Test plugin benefit developers?
    The Lambda Test plugin is used to test WordPress sites for multi-browser compatibility. It utilizes cloud-based virtual machines running different operating systems and browsers, ensuring the website works seamlessly across over 2000 browser and OS combinations.
  • Q.5: What are the main features of the SeedProd plugin?
    SeedProd helps design and develop full-fledged pages with minimal effort using drag-and-drop functionality. It offers over 90 blocks, 150+ templates, pre-built smart sections, and custom 404 pages, ensuring bloat-free code and quick loading times.
  • Q.6: How does the Debug Bar plugin help in development?
    The Debug Bar plugin aids in debugging by providing warning notices about errors when WP_DEBUG is enabled in the wp-config.php file. It also helps save and track SQL queries and analyze HTTP API requests to optimize website speed and efficiency.
  • Q.7: Why is it important for developers to use plugins?
    Using plugins is important for developers because they simplify complex tasks, enhance website functionality, improve security, streamline backups, and ensure compatibility across different browsers and operating systems, reducing development time and effort.